Monday, April 13, 2009

Class this Saturday at Sugarbush

Urban gardening and small plot landscaping is becoming increasingly in demand as we continue to move back into our cities and revitalized these smaller spaces. Truly and environmental resurgence is upon us, much to the delight of many, but how can we meet the challenges of utilizing these smaller spaces to their fullest potential?
Thankfully a lecture taking place to teach you that you CAN have the best of both worlds.  It's easy, it's fun, and it will bring you endless joy when you learn all the possibilities of small -scale gardening.  This lecture will include a gardening 101 component for beginners on plotting and planting with a focus on seasonal produce and the Pennsylvania weather.  Come to uncover the basics of how to create and maximize your small garden space.  Be prepared by bringing measurements and unique features of your garden spaces and be ready for a lively group discussion of the lessons learned from those who have gone before you.

Don't miss the opportunity to come out this Saturday April 18th to Sugarbush Nursery (Rt 10 & Plow Rd, Mohnton), at 11 am, and learn how you can transform your lawn into your summer dinners.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Update

Dear Friends, 
   We are planting away in our greenhouse and very excited to get out in the dirt.  Tonight we attended our last West Reading Farmer's Market meeting before the season begins.  Our first intern Kayla arrived yesterday and we are excited to welcome Sam back in a few weeks.  My good friend, and fellow female farmer, Laura will be helping us this year.  We also welcome the Sommer's family whom lives on the farm and helps out tremendously.   We are excited about the new additions for the 2009 season.  
   We will be teaming up this year with a local chef whom will be opening a restaurant in West Reading in June.  Papillon will be featuring local produce from our garden as well as other great faire.  
    We are proud to begin working with the Food Trust to bring food into schools in Reading.  The Food Trust links farmer's with children in order to educate the children on where their food comes from.  
     We have begun a partnership with Sugarbush Nursery (Rt 10 and Plow Church).  Sugarbush Nursery is a native plant nursery, featuring shrubs, trees and perennials.  Sugarbush will be selling our soap products as well as our organic vegetable transplants.  Here is a link to their newsletter href="">
On April 18th I will be speaking at Sugarbush about how you too can plant your own vegetable in garden in your backyard.
We still have CSA shares available. 
The date is set for our annual "Meet the Farmer" event and Open House.  Saturday, May 23rd 9 am till 1 pm.  Stayed tuned for more info.  If you or anyone you know would like to be a vendor at this event please let me know.
I hope you all have a happy and healthy spring.