Friday, October 9, 2009

CSA Harvest List for October 14th:

  1. Kale: Dino or Curly
  2. Arugula
  3. Peppers: Bell, Nardello , & Lipstick Peppers.
  4. Hot Peppers
  5. Eggplant: Rosa Bianca or Oriental
  6. Daikon Radish (First Picture)
  7. Fennel (Second Picture)
  8. Purple Basil
  9. Dragon Carrots
  10. Salad Mix
  11. Lettuce: Red Leaf, Green or Red Romaine or Green buttercrunch
  12. Scallions
  13. Tomatillos
  14. Garlic
  15. Winter Squash: Spaghetti, Delicata.
  16. Garlic Chives
  17. Chives
  18. Spearmint
  19. Peppermint
  20. Spinach (for those whom have not had spinach yet)
  21. Radishes
  22. Savory
  23. Potato: Yukon Gold
  24. Baby Boc Choi
  25. Swiss Chard
  26. Leeks (single orders only)
  27. Italian Parsley
  28. Hakurei Turnips
  29. Beets: Red or Chioggia
  30. Green Beans (Limited Quantities)
  31. Collard Greens
  32. Broccoli Raab
  33. Sorrel
  34. Sage
Fruit this week will be: Gala Apples, Yellow Delicious and Cortland Apples.

Notes from the Farmer:
Only 3 weeks left. I can hardly believe how fast this season has gone. I truly am not ready for it to end.
Two of our helpers are back from their prospective vacations. Laura was picking champagne grapes in France and Kayla was away at Not Back to School Camp. We are happy to have them back to clean up and get ready to plant Garlic!
The top of our greenhouse frame is finally finished. WoW! And the excavator is coming next week to put in our new water lines for our improved irrigation system.
Please remember to return your boxes. With only 3 weeks left now is the time to clean out your garages and cars and return them to the farm. We will be asking that everyone please bring a bag on the last week to pick up their produce and leave the box behind. That way we get all the boxes back at the end of the season.
I will be sending out a questionnaire this week. These are very important to us and help us improve for the following season. I will put them in your boxes with a sell addressed stamped envelope. I will also email the questionnaire to you. Please, Please fill them out and send them back.

We had a lot of help from you this week for recipes. Thank you. And my kale diet has proved to be more fun than I had thought. I was amazed at what you can find when you just google "Eggplant Kale Recipe".
Well I think this should keep you all busy for a while.
Have a great week and don't forget about those questionnaires.