Saturday, September 19, 2009

CSA Harvest for September 23th:

  1. Kale: Dino or Curly
  2. Arugula
  3. Fresh Cut Flower Bouquets
  4. Peppers: Green Bell, Purple Bell, Nardello (Pictured above- these are sweet peppers), & Lipstick Peppers.
  5. Hot Peppers
  6. Eggplant: Rosa Bianca or Oriental
  7. Basil: Italian (we have tons) or Purple
  8. Salad Mix
  9. Lettuce, Romaine
  10. Scallions
  11. Tomatillos
  12. Garlic
  13. Winter Squash: Hopi Orange, Spaghetti, Delicata, Butternut & Blue Kabocha.
  14. Garlic Chives
  15. Spearmint
  16. Rhubarb
  17. Radishes
  18. Savory
  19. Potato: Yukon Gold
  20. Beet Greens
  21. Daikon Radish: Baby
  22. Baby Boc Choi
This weeks fruit will be Gala Apples. Yum!

I am sorry the computer won't let me upload images this morning. I will try again later.
Winter Squash is in full effect. Now is the time and it is sweet and yummy. Let me know your favorite winter squash recipes. All the squash can be used interchangeably in recipes. The Spaghetti Squash however has a different texture.

Come out and visit me at the West Reading Fall Festival today from 12pm till 9pm. I will be helping the children decorate pumpkins.

Have a great week!