Friday, September 25, 2009

CSA Harvest for September 30th:

  1. Kale: Dino or Curly
  2. Spicy Mix
  3. Arugula
  4. Fresh Cut Flower Bouquets
  5. Peppers: Bell, Nardello (Pictured above- these are sweet peppers), & Lipstick Peppers.
  6. Hot Peppers
  7. Eggplant: Rosa Bianca or Oriental
  8. Basil: Italian or Purple
  9. Daikon Radish
  10. Salad Mix
  11. Lettuce, Romaine
  12. Scallions
  13. Tomatillos
  14. Garlic
  15. Winter Squash: Hopi Orange, Spaghetti, Delicata, & Butternut.
  16. Garlic Chives
  17. Chives
  18. Spearmint
  19. Peppermint
  20. Spinach
  21. Radishes
  22. Savory
  23. Potato: Yukon Gold
  24. Beet Greens
  25. Dandelion Greens
  26. Baby Boc Choi
  27. Watercress
  28. Italian Parsley
  29. Hakurei Turnips
  30. Red Beets
  31. Green Beans
  32. Broccoli Raab
  33. Sorrel
  34. Sage
Fruit this week will be: Pears, Gala Apples and Cortland Apples.

Notes from the Farmer:

The greens are back hooray! The fields are lush and green. We are busy cleaning up for the season and thinking about next year. This year has been so great I am not ready for it to end. I wish the greenhouse was finished so we could grow all year. Next winter. For now we will be finishing our double greenhouse and putting in an underground irrigation system. Building the infrastructure is key to our farming future. The future looks bright green for us and you as well.
We are happy to announce two new farm friends. Two cats. They arrived this week and are still hiding from the move but they are going to be very happy when they adjust.
If you are a member whom picks up at market this is a reminder that we will not be at market on Sunday October 4th. Please coordinate with me to pick up your veggies either during the week or at another time. The Wednesday deliveries will not be affected.

These were given to us by members this week. Thank you.
Have a great week.