Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hooray for 2010!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a bit of a rough start. Loosing our greenhouse was a large disappointment. And the decision to quit the CSA was another sad event. But, out of the fire comes the Phoenix.
The hard winter gave us a treat with a wonderful early spring. We are renewed and planning for a great season. Today we met with a consultant and planned out our fertilization strategy for 2010. We are committed to grow quality food not quantity and we are moving in that direction.
We have been busy moving fences and nurturing baby plants.
And this week we have spinach for sale in the store and at Papillon Brasserie.
There are so many things to be thankful for.
And don't forget to check out the April issue of Berks County Living Magazine. The April issue is the "Green Issue" and they promoted local farms in the Berks County area. And they were very kind to us.
We are gearing up for events this summer. Stay posted for what we have in store for 2010.
Have a Happy Spring!!!!!!!!!