Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chicken & Mustard Greens

Hello Friends,
As we move steadily into fall and what feels like faster into winter we are counting down the weeks of market. Two weeks left.
What will we have for the last 2 weeks?
Veggies: Swiss Chard, Kale, Lettuce, Salad Mix, Arugula, Spinach, Scallions, Beets, Carrots, Savoy Cabbage, Baby Cabbage, Mustard Greens, Celeriac, Daikon Radish, Collards, Baby Bok Choi, & Turnips.

Meats: Beef: Ground, Hot Puppies, Bologna, Patties, Beef Cubes, Assorted Steaks
Chicken: Whole, Breasts, Wings, Legs & Thighs.

Body Products:
Soap, Bath Salts, Face Scrub, Bug Spray, Lip Balm, Lavender Spray, Chest Rub, Hair Tonic & First Aid Salve.
Plus an added bonus of Fresh Soap Company Gift Packs. Start holiday shopping with local, handmade "Green Gifts."

And as promised a recipe from one of our loyal market shoppers.

Roast Chicken, Mustard Greens, and Roasted potatoes in a pot!

You need a Dutch-oven that can accommodate a full size chicken

1 Chicken from B&H Farms

1 medium yellow onion

1 lemon

3 cloves of garlic – smashed but not peeled

1 B&H carrot

the green tops of a B&H celeriac

Olive Oil

Salt & Pepper

3 medium Yukon Gold or similar potatoes (quartered)

1 bunch of B&H mustard greens

Put the Dutch-oven, without the lid, into a cold oven, then turn the oven on to 425 (could you put the lid on the Dutch-oven before you put it in the oven? Probably, but I never do. It could have no effect on the cooking or it could be the secret to making it perfect, so I say, why risk it?)

While the oven & Dutch-oven are pre-heating, divide the lemon into 8ths, slice the onion into half rounds, smash the garlic, cut off the top of the celeriac, and slice the carrot into sticks.

Remove the giblets from the chicken and salt and pepper the inside and the outside of the chicken thoroughly (OK, I know, salt is bad for you. You’re using it on the inside the cavity and on the skin – most of the meat won’t come into contact with all the salt. If you don’t use enough salt, your food will be bland and you’ll be sad. OK – don’t say I didn’t warn you. Don’t use enough salt. Enjoy your tasteless food. I’ll be over here eating my delicious chicken with salt. At least use a lot of pepper – there are no health risks associated with pepper right? Not yet anyway…)

Stuff the lemon, garlic, carrot, celeriac tops into the chicken cavity.

Remove the Dutch-oven from the stove (careful – it’s hot).

Sprinkle the bottom of the pot with Olive Oil and toss in the onions (they should make a satisfying sizzling sound. If they don’t it either means that your oven isn’t working or you’re way faster at prepping the veggies and chicken then I am) Put the chicken (breast up) into the pot. Stuff the potato pieces around the chicken (wherever they fit – no need to stuff them way into the pot, just slightly along the sides). Cover the pot with the cold lid. Put the covered pot back into the oven (OK, I know the pot has been sitting out on the stove for a few minutes, but PLEASE DON’T FORGET it’s still VERY HOT!!! Don’t make the mistake of grabbing the pot without pot-holders – you’ll burn yourself. How do I know? ‘cause I’m the idiot who grabbed the hot Dutch-oven without pot holders, that’s how.)

Roast the chicken for an hour then remove the lid and cook for another 10 minutes to crisp up the skin. At that point you should check to make sure the chicken is cooked through. An instant-read thermometer stuck into the thickest part of the thigh should be at least 160 degrees (some people say “the juices should run clear.” If you can see the color of the juices of a chicken in a hot Dutch-oven surrounded by potatoes, more power to you). If it’s cooked through, remove the chicken from the pot and set it on a platter to rest for 15-30minutes.

Put the pot with the potatoes and onions uncovered, back into the oven. Let cook for a little longer to crisp up the potatoes. If they’re already crisp, you can skip this step.

Remove the stems from the mustard greens and slice the greens thinly, perpendicularly to the stem. Take the pot back out of the oven, put the crisped, but not burned potato wedges around the chicken that is still resting on the platter.

Put the mustard greens into the still-hot Dutch-oven. What’s that you say? There’s brown bits and onions and a little chicken fat at the bottom of the pot? I know – that the good stuff, trust me. Stir the greens around in the pot until they wilt (the pot will be plenty hot, no need to turn on the stove-top).

Once the greens are done, the chicken should have rest enough – carve it up and enjoy! Keep the stuff in the cavity and the carcass – it makes great stock!

Thank you Matt for this recipe it makes you hungry and it makes you laugh.

Lots of warm blessings to you all.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Abundance even in the cold

Just in case you may have thought that due to the cold weather we would not be out at the farmer's market... I am here to tell you that it isn't true. This is fall, the time of abundance, and we have it. So be sure to come out and see us. We have only 3 weeks left.
Veggies: Swiss Chard
, Kale, Lettuce, Salad Mix, Arugula, Spinach, Scallions, Beets, Carrots, Savoy Cabbage, Baby Cabbage, Mustard Greens, Celeriac, Leeks, Daikon Radish, Collards, Baby Bok Choi, & Turnips.

Meats: Beef: Ground, Hot Puppies, Bologna, Patties, Beef Cubes, Assorted Steaks
Chicken: Whole, Breasts, Wings, Legs & Thighs.

Body Products:
Soap, Bath Salts, Face Scrub, Bug Spray, Lip Balm, & First Aid Salve.

And as we promised with a plug we will include a recipe:
This one comes from Martha whom is hosting the Macrobiotic Cooking Class later this month (see the previous blog).

Berry Pie with Oat/Almond crust
1 cup rolled oats put oats and almonds in food processor and
1/2 cup almonds (raw) process a little bit, then add other 3 ingredients
1/4 cup sunflower oil and process so that crust is still a bit crunchy
1/4 brown rice syrup press mixture into pie plate and bake 15 min
1/4 tsp salt at 350 degree oven, let cool
Add whatever berry you prefer on top of the crust, be generous
4 cups apple juice Heat to just below a boil, stir to disolve the agar
4 Tblsp agar agar flakes flakes, and then pour over the crust & berries
juice of 1/2 lemon Refrigerate until firm.
grated rind of one lemon
I like to make just the crust and use it for the crisp part of apple crisp. Yum Yum
For a crowd, just double the recipe and use a larger, rectangular glass baking dish

Thank you all for your support.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hello Friends...
This is a wonderful picture of my favorite intern Michelle. She is such a great trooper and I would not be making it through the end of this season without her. Hooray for Michelle.
What follows is a list of what we will have at market this week:
Veggies: Swiss Chard, Kale, Lettuce, Salad Mix, Arugula, Spinach, Scallions, Beets, Carrots, Mustard Greens, Celeriac, Daikon Radish, Eggplant, Collards, Baby Bok Choi, & Radishes

Meats: Beef: Ground, Hot Puppies, Bologna, Patties, Beef Cubes, Assorted Steaks
Chicken: Whole, Breasts, Wings, Legs & Thighs

Body Products:
Soap, Bath Salts, Face Scrub, Bug Spray, Lip Balm, & First Aid Salve

In an effort to join the community and fill up my recipe database, I am offering to plug "your" event or craft in exchange for a recipe. Email me a recipe and what you would like to let the community know about and I will post it on the blog. If you have a blog let me know and I can link you in.

Our first plug comes from Martha at our favorite health food store Hartz Natural Foods:
Macrobiotic Cooking Class
Hosted by Martha in her home in Elverson.
Class is on Sunday October 26th 10 am till 1 pm and the charge is $45 per person.
The class will be taught by Melanie Waxman a wonderful Macrobiotic Chef. Please check out Melanie's website to see all the great things she is doing www.celebrate4health.com .
B & H veggies will be used in the cooking demonstration.
We are hoping this class will be the beginning in a series.
To sign up or for more information contact Martha at:
610-286-7446 (home)
484-942-6261 (cell)

Thank you all and have a great week.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dear Friends and Customers,
Yes, the weather has become chilly. There is a "Fall Breeze" in the air. But we are still harvesting and marketing for SIX more weeks. Hooray the fun has yet to end. Hopefully, you are all on our email list and received our email update last week. If not please email us and get on our list bhorganics@gmail.com. If you already submitted your email address to me than please remember to take us off your spam list and let us into your inbox. We have sent out few emails this season in order not to bug you, but also because this blog has been very effective for us.
Michelle and I cried to see Sam go this week. But with the weather changing so do our lives. We thank him greatly and wish him the best on all of his adventures. It is only fair that we share him with the world.
I will be posting our list of produce for market weekly. This will hopefully give you an idea of what we will have for your shopping list. It is subject to change depending on how busy we are and if someone buys all the 'turnips' early. Here it is:
Celeriac, Fresh Cut Flowers, Tomatoes, Carrots, Baby Cabbage, Daikon Radish, Turnips, Spinach, Salad Mix, Arugula, Mustard Greens, Baby Boc Choi, Radishes, Scallions, Lettuce, Eggplant, Collards, Beets, Kale & Swiss Chard.
Don't forget our homemade soaps, bath salts, lip balms, face scrubs, & body sprays. We are now selling chicken parts as well as beef. All the meat is raised on the farm. All of our meat is frozen. Please let us know if you would like a full list of the meats we sell. We bring limited items to market but stock the freezers in our store with a large selection of cuts.
Just to let you know we are taking names for our waiting list for out CSA for the 2009 season. We hope to send out applications in January or February.
And now for the fun: Our member Laura linked us to several recipe sites for the items we have in season now. Thank you Laura I am sure we will all have fun with this.
Bok Choy Apple Slaw - http://www.therawchoice.com/discovery_recipes.html ( a quarter of the way down the page)
this morning i had 2 heads baby bok choi (however you spell it), 2 pears, and some avacado blended up... mmmm, really hit the spot...

Thank you all for your support and have a marvelous week.