Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dear Members,
We are approaching our 5th delivery for this 2008 CSA season. We have been pleased with all of your feedback. Please keep it coming. The requests for the boxes is actually a big help in deciding what to put in the boxes. I know I have missed a few things but it all seems to be going well.
Don't be discouraged by all the beets, carrots and lettuce. In my household these are staples and things I haven't been able to provide on other farms. I was determined to be able to offer ample amounts of these items this year. We are hoping the lettuce holds up. We have been blessed with the weather in June and hope for the same in July.
The picture above are Red Salad Bowl Lettuce, Costata Romanesco Zucchini and the flowers which go into our salad mix. We have tried to arrange that each one of you has tried our salad mix. We simply can not have enough of it for market. We actually have a waiting list on Sunday mornings.
Sam and I have our spirits up and the plants are growing steadily. The summer crops have been well cared for and are ready to produce. In another week we will have more than enough summer squash and beans. The tomato plants are full and ready to ripen. The peppers and eggplants are growing beautifully.
We were blessed on Monday to have a "Mom's" group from the Brecknock area come and tour the farm. Most of your beets and carrots were picked this week with their giddy help. Hooray for children in the garden it adds a wonderful element to things.
This coming week we will begin to plant the fall crops. It is hard to imagine fall, but it is coming soon. And if you were to visit the farm in the next few weeks you will see our chickens roaming. Our big project will be to put up a fence to keep them away from the veggies. They know where the good food is.
The first beans of this season are French Filet Beans. They are supposed to be skinny and small. They are a delicacy(sold in half pound bags). We grow 4 types of beans in total: French Filet, Burgundy (purple), Provider ( standard green), & Dragon Langonerie ( a yellow wavy bean with purple patches). They should be arriving in the garden in that order. Pictures are coming.
Thank you to all those who paid for the second half of the season and those whom signed up for our fruit share. We are very pleased with how the season is going. And again we encourage you to let us know what you would like in your boxes each week. Our flowers and herbs are wonderful as well.
Another tip for cooking carrots and beets:
Simply bake them with butter, salt, pepper & fresh herbs.
I was once invited to a whole meal with vegetables prepared this way. It was made by a farmer's wife and I couldn't believe how well it made each of the vegetables taste. This works especially well for the root veggies. Carrots are wonderful with dill. And beets with Basil. Enjoy.