Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Abundance even in the cold

Just in case you may have thought that due to the cold weather we would not be out at the farmer's market... I am here to tell you that it isn't true. This is fall, the time of abundance, and we have it. So be sure to come out and see us. We have only 3 weeks left.
Veggies: Swiss Chard
, Kale, Lettuce, Salad Mix, Arugula, Spinach, Scallions, Beets, Carrots, Savoy Cabbage, Baby Cabbage, Mustard Greens, Celeriac, Leeks, Daikon Radish, Collards, Baby Bok Choi, & Turnips.

Meats: Beef: Ground, Hot Puppies, Bologna, Patties, Beef Cubes, Assorted Steaks
Chicken: Whole, Breasts, Wings, Legs & Thighs.

Body Products:
Soap, Bath Salts, Face Scrub, Bug Spray, Lip Balm, & First Aid Salve.

And as we promised with a plug we will include a recipe:
This one comes from Martha whom is hosting the Macrobiotic Cooking Class later this month (see the previous blog).

Berry Pie with Oat/Almond crust
1 cup rolled oats put oats and almonds in food processor and
1/2 cup almonds (raw) process a little bit, then add other 3 ingredients
1/4 cup sunflower oil and process so that crust is still a bit crunchy
1/4 brown rice syrup press mixture into pie plate and bake 15 min
1/4 tsp salt at 350 degree oven, let cool
Add whatever berry you prefer on top of the crust, be generous
4 cups apple juice Heat to just below a boil, stir to disolve the agar
4 Tblsp agar agar flakes flakes, and then pour over the crust & berries
juice of 1/2 lemon Refrigerate until firm.
grated rind of one lemon
I like to make just the crust and use it for the crisp part of apple crisp. Yum Yum
For a crowd, just double the recipe and use a larger, rectangular glass baking dish

Thank you all for your support.