Friday, July 24, 2009

CSA Harvest July 29 th:

  1. Chives
  2. Garlic Chives
  3. Kale: Dino or Curly
  4. Swiss Chard
  5. Beets: Golden, Red or Chioggia
  6. Carrots: Orange or Dragon
  7. Salad Mix
  8. Fresh Cut Flower Bouquets
  9. Summer Squash: Green or Yellow Zucchini or Patty Pan
  10. Arugula
  11. Basil: Italian or Purple
  12. Cucumber: Standard or Pickling or Lemon (First Picture)
  13. Fennel
  14. Flat Leaf Parsley
  15. Lettuce: Romaine or Greenleaf or Redleaf
  16. Scallions
  17. Beans: Burgundy or Dragon or Green (Second Picture)
  18. Green Garlic (single orders only)
  19. Broccoli (single orders only) Customers whom have not yet had Broccoli will have first choice.
  20. Radicchio
  21. Dandelion Greens
  22. Again we are offering extras of the above highlighted items. Now is the time to make pickles and relish.
  23. Fruit this week: Peaches.

Recipes for this week:

  • Sunshine pickles - 4 days -
  • Refrigerator pickles - 7 days -
  • curry chick pea and ginger soup
    This recipe is from my friend Darren. He is definitely the best song writer in Berks County. Thank you for all the great music and shows.

    3 cloves garlic (diced)
    2 whole onions (diced)
    4 cups chicken or veg stock
    2 cans chick peas (rinsed and strained)
    3 carrots (chopped)
    2 tsp curry powder
    _ tsp tumerick
    _ tsp. salt
    _ tsp. ground ginger
    _ tsp fresh cracked pepper
    _ cup coconut milk
    1 tablespoon fresh parsley (chopped)

    1. boil onions and garlic in chicken stock for 5 minutes
    2. stir in the rest of the ingredients and boil for another 15 minutes
    3. reduce to low for 15 more minutes adding the milk about halfway
    4. blend

  • Carrot Lentil Soup

    This is an adaptation creation. A quick soup for even in the summer.

    ½ cup lentils (dry green or red)
    1 medium onion chopped
    ½ pound carrots chopped
    3 tablespoon olive oil
    1 tablespoon vegetable broth powder
    3 cups water
    1 tsp salt
    ¼ cup fresh cilantro
    2 cloves garlic
    1 cup yogurt (plain goat yogurt is perfect for this)

    Sautee onion, and lentils in 2 tablespoon olive oil, for 5 minutes. Add water and vegetable broth and bring to boil. Add carrots and simmer until carrots are soft. In a food processor prepare a cilantro pesto: garlic, 1 tablespoon olive oil, & cilantro. Blend the broth mixture with the pesto and yogurt in the food processor. Garnish with a dolup of yogurt and a sprig of cilantro. Enjoy. Serves 4.
Farmer's Update:
By now you must be wondering ...."Where the tomatoes, peppers and eggplants?". Well, they are all growing happily, however, they are not ripening. Due to cold nighttime temperatures these crops are delayed. Everything seems to be about 2 weeks behind this season. I do repeat that all the plants are happy and healthy. Knock on wood we are not having issues with disease at this time. We are all at the mercy of the weather. I am not complaining. This has been the best growing season I have ever experienced. Be prepared that the tomatoes may come all at once like the squash and cucumbers. Have your canning jars and sauce ingredients ready because the plants are loaded with fruit waiting for a few hot days and nights to explode. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great week,