Friday, August 14, 2009

CSA Harvest August 19th:
  1. Chives
  2. Garlic Chives
  3. Italian Parsley
  4. Red Gold New Potatoes (Single orders only)
  5. Beets: Red & Chioggia
  6. Fresh Cut Flower Bouquets
  7. Carrots: Orange
  8. Summer Squash: Green and Yellow Zucchini, Patty Pan
  9. Cucumber: Lemon (limited quantities), Standard, Pickling
  10. Basil
  11. Tomatillos
  12. Beans: French, Green, Burgundy, Dragon
  13. Fennel
  14. Kale
  15. Swiss Chard
  16. Dandelion Greens
  17. Garlic (Pictured above drying)
  18. Tomatoes: Cherry, Grape, Garden Peach, Red, Striped German, Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra, Persimmon (Pictured above), Zapotec Pleated, Pineapple
  19. Eggplant: Single orders only and for those whom have not had eggplant yet.
  20. Hot peppers: mixed, varied heat.
  21. Fruit Share: Yellow, Donut and White Peaches
Notes of a Farmer:
Oh Tomatoes. Thus far we have had such a fabulous season it is hard to complain. But the tomatoes. The most prized fruit of the year. The crop for which we spend the most time, energy and money. They are just having such a rough year. The cool nights set them back from ripening. The rain, rain, rain left them cracking and green shouldered. The threat of disease has them holding on by a thread. We will continue to have tomatoes as long as the tomatoes will produce but it may be a short season.
Peppers....... Oh the plants are beautiful and as soon as the groundhog has filled his belly we too will have peppers.
Eggplants........They are coming soon and there will be plenty.
We should all pray for warm dry weather.

An announcement about pick ups: If you have not already received the email we are going to begin packing individual boxes. So when you arrive at the site you will just arrive and look for the box with your name on it and not have to search around for the items.

Recipes: My favorite recipes for this week.
  • Fennel baked with parmesan. I had this the other night and I didn't want it to end. I highly recommend this.
  • Cucumber Salad with Peaches, Basil, Balsamic Vinegar, Salt and Pepper. This is all you need to know mix it and enjoy!
  • Tomato Curry Salad
    I adopted this recipe from my father in-law. It is a summer favorite.
    3 medium tomatoes, (any type will work the salad types are less juicy than the slicing but the slicing tends to be more sweet)
    1 small onion chopped
    2 tablespoons mayo ( I always use Vegenaise you can’t beat the taste)
    1 curry powder to taste.
    Salt & Pepper to taste.
    Chop tomato into cubes. Mix all ingredients and serve chilled.
  • Parsley Pesto: I would suggest this on the potatoes. Pestos are a great way to freeze and store herbs.
Don't forget about the potluck on Friday August 21st. We are so excited.
Have a great week,