Thursday, October 1, 2009

CSA Harvest List for October 7th:

  1. Kale: Dino or Curly (First Picture)
  2. Arugula
  3. Peppers: Bell, Nardello , & Lipstick Peppers.
  4. Hot Peppers
  5. Eggplant: Rosa Bianca or Oriental
  6. Basil: Italian or Purple
  7. Daikon Radish
  8. Salad Mix
  9. Lettuce: Red Leaf, Romaine or Green buttercrunch
  10. Scallions
  11. Tomatillos
  12. Garlic
  13. Winter Squash: Spaghetti, Delicata, & Butternut.
  14. Garlic Chives
  15. Chives
  16. Spearmint
  17. Peppermint
  18. Spinach
  19. Radishes
  20. Savory
  21. Potato: Yukon Gold
  22. Baby Boc Choi
  23. Italian Parsley
  24. Hakurei Turnips (Second Picture)
  25. Beets: Red or Chioggia
  26. Green Beans
  27. Broccoli Raab
  28. Sorrel
  29. Sage
Fruit this week will be: Gala Apples and Cortland Apples.

Notes From a Farmer:
In case you missed it "your" farmer was on the cover of the Reading Eagle this week:
It was a true honor to be on the cover. And a shocking surprise. The coolest thing about it all is that it may be the first time the words "Organic" and "Sustainable" were ever on the cover of the Reading Eagle. Berks County has come a long way and you are all apart of it. We can all pat ourselves on the back.
Due to the article we decided it would not be wise to leave town this weekend and so we will be at market on Sunday October 4th. I was sad to not be able to join my family at this time, but I am more needed here. And besides if you couldn't tell from the above list we have tons of veggies coming in.
Look for the cabbages, broccoli and brussels sprouts to hopefully make a comeback before the end of the season after being tortured by the groundhogs.
The farm is a happy place to be for our new kitties and we are so happy to announce that Sam my Right Hand Man will be returning next season. This is the happiest news! Tell Sam you love him when you see him at market.
And now is the time to stock up on Hot Peppers. Did you know that you can easily string them up and hang them in your kitchen to dry. This is a beautiful decoration next to your garlic braids and when the peppers are dry simply chop or grind them up for seasoning all throughout the winter.

I am going on a kale diet. In the next few weeks I am going to try as many new kale recipes as I can stand. If you have any you think I need to try please pass them along.
I think if history and comics had it right Popeye would have been eating Kale instead of Spinach.
This is what I made for dinner this week:
Have a great week,