Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April with no showers.

April with no showers.

Hello friends. This has been quite a spring. Although, I could say that about any other year as well.

Our greenhouse is holding up nicely and producing beautiful greens and baby plants. We are well into our spring planting and a few things are popping up despite the cold nights.

Are you interested in a deal on 100% grass fed beef? Our butcher accidentally gave us too much ground beef in our last butchering. We decided to pass on savings to our customers. If you buy 4 pounds of ground beef you get a 5th pound for free. The deal only applies at Hartz Natural Foods, 610-286-5268. The store is open Monday through Saturday from 9 am till 6 pm.

Our CSA is full for the 2012 season. We appreciate all of you who wanted to join and support us for this season. However, this just means we will have to see your smiling faces at the Elverson or West Reading Farmer’s Markets.

This weekend we will begin selling transplants for your garden. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and swiss chard will be available for purchase at our store or at Sugarbush Nursery. If you are planning to put in a big garden check out Sugarbush’s list of seeds and plants

I will be at Sugarbush, on April 28th at 11 am, giving a talk on insect and disease prevention in the garden.

Our farm intern, David (pictured above), joined us last week. I feel like he is going to be a great addition to the farm. He is very interested in farming and a hard worker. He is pictured above with the first row of spinach he planted this week.

As always we are grateful for all of your support.

Also pictured above is our new “What’s in new in the garden” sign. This is posted next to our “Garden” sign and each week we will be listing what we are planting, harvesting, weeding etc. This will be a great way to keep up with what we are doing in the garden.

If you have a subscription to Lancaster Farming Newspaper check out our article from April 7th, section B3. Jennifer Hetrick did a beautiful job highlighting the unique relationship between Paul and I as well as what it means to be a woman farmer in Lancaster County.

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook at B & H Organic Produce.

Many blessings to you all and thank you for your continued support,

Erica Lavdanski