Tuesday, June 4, 2013

B & H CSA June 5

Hello CSA Members,

Welcome back for returning members and hello for new members.  

Don’t forget to pick up on Wednesday.  It may help to set an alarm on your phone.  If you are having problems picking up please call 484-955-1098, if I can help I will.

If you don’t remember the time or location you can check the website for the information: http://www.bhorganicproduce.com/subscribe.html

I am sending out this email early this week because I am sure there will be lots of questions.  Normally the emails go out on Sunday evening.  You can order by replying to the email or by emailing bhorganics@gmail.com.  The orders must be in by Tuesday at 2 pm.  Processing the orders takes some time so I would appreciate no late orders.

The first Wednesday of the month is the meat delivery.  Don’t forget to pick up your meat. 

Notes about pick up:
·      Your meat orders will be in a separate cooler and your order will be in a bag with  your name on it. 
·      Your bread orders will not be in your box.  All bread will be in a separate box.  Your bread will have your name on it.
·      Your vegetable shares will come in a wax box.  Please bring a bag to take your produce home.  Please do not take boxes home. 
·      Your box will have a label on it with your name and what is in the box.  Feel free to peel the label off and take it with you.  Please do not take someone else’s box. 
·      It doesn’t matter if you break the boxes down or leave them whole. 
·      If you cannot pick up your produce try to arrange for someone else to do so.  Please make sure they understand to only take the box with your name on it.  Or you can call me at 484-955-1098.  Once the boxes have been delivered I cannot make special arrangements for you.  If you need a special delivery or pick up you must notify me before Wednesday. 

Notes about this week’s harvest list:
·      We do not have any extras at this time.  I definitely expect to in the future.  Please check the list for “extras.”  We do not give out “extras” unless you order them.  “Extras” are items we have an abundance of.  We do not give them unless ordered because we do not want to overwhelm our members.
·      The strawberries have not been a huge success this year.  We have had several problems.  We will definitely give you as many as we can this week.  I am assuming we will have enough to give everyone a quart but it may be a small quart. 
·      If you are unsure of what a particular vegetable is I highly recommend checking our recipe blog.  Here you will find a description, storage information and a recipe.  The CSA will be more enjoyable for you if you try new things and new recipes. http://www.bhrecipes.blogspot.com/
·      At times in the future you will see items selected only for full or half shares.  I do all the orders individually and I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to order something.  I do this the best I can. 
·      If you have a problem or a concern about the quality of an item or are missing something please let us know immediately.  We do make mistakes but we pride ourselves on customer service and so we would like the opportunity to make good on a mistake. 
·      If you do not order we will choose a well-rounded box for you. 

This week’s Harvest:
   Full shares order 8 items, and half shares order 4-5 items (depending on how much you want)
·      Salad Mix ½ lb
·      Arugula or Spicy Mix ½ lb
·      Radishes – ¾ lb bunch
·      Turnips – ¾ lb bunch  - these are a sweet salad turnip.  Greens are edible and wonderful.
·      Strawberries – between a pint and a quart.  We will give you as many as we can.
·      Kale, Red Russian ¾ lb
·      Green onions – ½ lb
·      Garlic Scapes – 1/8 lb – these are a fresh garlic flower, excellent as a garlic substitute.  See recipe below.
·      Mustard Greens – ¾ lb – a bit spicy but oh so wonderful
·      Spinach – ½ lb
·      Teenage Pac Choi – 2 heads

Recipe: Garlic Scapes
Garlic Scapes are the flower buds of garlic.  In a life where we ate only local food this time of year we would have been without garlic since March.  Garlic is harvested in July and cured till September and then you can store it till March.  But, from March through May there is no local garlic.  Garlic Scapes are the first taste of garlic we have for the season.  They are a mild garlic flavor and can be used in many ways.  Enjoy. 
·      Here are 6 options to try.  http://www.saveur.com/article/-/Garlic-Scapes-Recipes
·      Roasted Garlic Scapes
·       1 bunch of garlic Scapes
·       1 tablespoon olive oil
·       Salt and pepper to taste
·       Place whole garlic Scapes on a cookie sheet on the top shelf.
·       Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. 
·       Bake at 400 degrees till crispy, about 20 minutes.
·       You can also grill them whole drizzled with olive oil. 
·       These are great on meats, salads, tofu and fish.  Use them whole or chop them up.

We are so happy to have you as members. 
Cheers to a great season ahead.
Thank you,