Sunday, July 28, 2013

CSA 7/31

Meet Jill one of our strong farm workers.  And this is Bruce our new groundhog defense.  Well at least when he gets big enough not to be afraid of large zucchinis.  He is only 16 weeks old. 

Hello CSA Members,

If I had to qualify this season as good or bad (which is all too limiting).  I would say it is a good season.  This is information for new members as well as former members whom might remember last year as a good year but very different. 

Many people comment on the weather to me.  It is easy conversation but a very loaded topic for me.  We grow a variety of crops, which like a variety of weather.  And as most of you know I take this job waaay to seriously.  So when someone says “this rain is good for your crops.”  I think “ Oh yes, the greens are probably so happy.”  But I want to rush out to the field right now and put down raincoats and leg warmers on those tomatoes plants to keep them toasty warm. 

This is the life of the farmer or at least a farmer that their job waaay too seriously.  I love my life and my job but it is emotional at most times.  July is the hardest month for farmers.  I heard recently of a fellow farmer friend whom writes on his calendar in July each year “ I will totally loose my mind in this month.”  This is a reminder that it is normal this time of year to feel crazy and want to quit but it will end.  We farmer’s have been calling each other a lot lately for support. 

Next week begins our big planting of fall crops: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and kale. 

Here is to new beginnings and much gratitude to you members for believing and supporting us. 

You can order by replying to the email or by emailing  The orders must be in by Tuesday at 2 pm.  Processing the orders takes some time so I would appreciate no late orders.

Notes about this week’s harvest list:
·      This week you will be able to order multiples of some items.  For example if you would like 2 orders of lettuce you may do so.  If you can order multiples it will be stated next to the item.  If you order 2 orders of lettuce it counts as 2 orders for your 8 items (for a full share) or 5 items (for a half share).  If and item does not list an option for ordering multiples then you cannot order multiples of that item. 
·      If you do not order we do not usually give herbs or flowers.  If you do not want to order all of your items and would like to be surprised be sure to request the herbs or flowers. 

This week’s Harvest:
   Full shares order 8 items.  Half Shares order 4-5 items (depending on how much you want.)
·       Lettuce, Romaine or Butter – 2- 3 - 4 heads depending on size.  Lettuce heads tend to be smaller in hot weather.
·      Carrots – 1.5 lb no greens except on request. 
·      Beets, Red or Chioggia– 1.5 lb small beets.
·      Italian Basil – ¼ lb
·      Swiss Chard – ¾ lb OR Malabar Spinach ¾ lb (This is not regular spinach.)
·      Cucumbers, Standard or Pickling or Lemon 1.5 lb you may order 2.
·      Cucumbers, Japanese Long – 2 fruits.  These are a large long cucumber.  Very sweet and the most tender of all the cucumbers. You may order 2.
·      Fresh Flower Bouquets, including sunflowers.   You may order 2.
·      Tomato 1.5 lb mixed bags of cherries, heirlooms and red tomatoes.  You may order 2.
·      Italian Flat Leaf Parsley – 1/8 lb
·      Mint - 1/8 lb You may order 2
·      Oregano – 1/8 lb You may order 2
·      Chives – 1/8 lb You may order 2
·      Marjoram – 1/8 lb You may order 2
·      Potatoes – Red Gold 2 lb you may order 2.
·      Garlic – ¼ lb.  This is supposed to be Elephant Garlic, which has a mild flavor.  The seed did not stay true when we planted it.  It still has a mild flavor but is a single bulb.  You may order 2.

Extras:  You must order cucumbers in your regular order to get extras.  We are only making this qualification because we are short on a few things above but have tons of cucumbers.
·      Cucumbers, Standard, Pickling, or Japanese 1.5 lb.   You may order 2.

Have a great week!
Thank you,