Sunday, November 17, 2013

CSA 11/20

These were the salad greens we picked for your CSA boxes last week.  Looks like I need to clean my camera phone lens again. 

Hello CSA Members,

This warm break is so nice for us.  It is amazing that 60 degrees feels like tropical weather compared to 40.   But I sure miss those 90-degree days. 

We have let go of many of our employees for the winter.  We have 2 left and will be letting one of them go at the end of the week.  Parting is such sweet sorrow.  The bonds formed over a season of farming are very strong.  You will see the best and worst of someone during a season.  Paul always says, “We will see what we are made of.”  And it is so true during the tough times and the plentiful times as well.  

I will be sad to see them all go but happy to have a little quiet time to commune with the plants again.  It is sad to say that, I am a better solitary worker than an employee manager.  I am really looking forward to the time to breath and watch Mother Nature slip into the winter months. 

May all the travels and adventures of our employees be blessed through the winter months.  And hope to see most of their beautiful faces refreshed in spring. 

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at or call 484-955-1098.  I also am available to receive text messages at this phone number.  I appreciate all feedback and strive to create a healthy customer service experience. 

If you do not see an email from us feel free to check our blog where we will post the same email for you each week.

Don’t forget to pick up your produce!  It may help to set an alarm on your phone. 

You can order by replying to the email or by emailing  The orders must be in by Tuesday at 2 pm.  Processing the orders takes some time so I would appreciate no late orders.

Notes about ordering:

·      We cannot guarantee orders.  We will definitely do our best. 
·      If an item has OR stated in the list than you can either of these items not both. 
·      You may order from the list below.  If you do not choose to order we will select a well-rounded box for you.  You can also order less than 6 items and we will fill in the rest. 
·      If it states behind the item that you may order 2 than this counts as 2 of your 6 items. 
·      We do not split items of make smaller bunches.  All sizes of the items are stated below. 
·      Yes, we definitely make mistakes.  So please let us know so we don’t make them again.  We are striving to provide great customer service. 

This week’s Harvest:
  All shares will choose 6 items from this list.
·       Salad Mix – 8 oz.
·      Italian Flat Leaf Parsley – 1/8 lb
·      Garlic – ¼ lb.  Purple Stripe.  This is individual cloves and very sweet.  You may order 2.
·      Lettuce- Romaine or Red Leaf– 1-2 heads. You may order 2
·      Beets- Red or Golden 1.5 lb. No tops.  You may order 2
·      Collards – ¾ lb
·      Komatsuna (a mild mustard green) ¾ lb. You may order 2
·      Daikon Radishes – 1- 2 roots with greens. 
·      Radicchio, tall or round – 2 heads
·      Kale – ½ lb
·      Carrots – ¾ lb.  No tops.
·      Fingerling Potatoes – 1.5 lb
·      Spinach – ½ lb
·      Cabbage, Savoy – 1 head

·      Beets- Red or Golden 1.5 lb. No tops.  You must order beets in the list above to get extra beets this week.

What crops we think have a high energy this week:
·      Garlic
·      Komatsuna
·      Daikon
·      Lettuce
·      Beets
·      Radicchio
·      Collards
·      Spinach

Garlic was a bit seller at market this weekend.  We all know that garlic is a great immune booster.  I had a customer tell me today that eats a raw clove of garlic in the morning and the evening and it keeps away his boils.  It is great for your circulation and great for lowering your bad cholesterol.  I personally just love the taste of roasted garlic.
Our main garlic crop is Purple Stripe.  It is does not have a large head but the individual cloves are of decent size.  It is spicy when eaten raw but gets milder when cooked.  Purple Stripe was voted best “baking garlic “ in a Rodale taste test. 
Don’t think you need to eat all the garlic in one week, garlic can store for up to 9 months!  This garlic was harvested in July and cured for up to a month to prepare it for long storage and better flavor.  Here are the best ways to store garlic:
Storing Garlic

For 1-2 month storage keep garlic at a temperature of 68  - 86 degrees in a dry place without exposure to light. 
Garlic can store up to 9 months.  Which means you can store your garlic until March or April.  If you plan to store garlic this long it should be kept at a temperature of 32 degrees.   Believe it or not garlic prefers a humidity level of 60 – 70 %.  I find the best way to store garlic long term is to keep in the refrigerator in a plastic container uncovered.  You may keep garlic in a garage or basement but check the temperature and keep the garlic out of direct light. 

And here is a great recipe for roasted garlic:
Roasted Garlic:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Remove as much of the paper from 2 whole heads of garlic as possible without breaking apart the cloves.
Place garlic heads in 1/4-cup water in a small baking dish.
Drizzle with 1 tsp olive oil.
Cover with foil or baking dish cover.
Put into oven and baste with oil/water mixture after 30 minutes. Bake till garlic is soft and easily pierced with a thin-bladed knife @ 1 hour total cooking time.

We really appreciate you and could not do it with out you.
Thank you,