Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First CSA delivery.... You may find these items in your box this week. If so they are (pictures top to bottom), Pirat butter bibb lettuce Buttercrunch bibb lettuce, Broccoli Raab, Easter Egg Radishes, & Beet greens (with baby beets). You may also find Salad Mix, Arugula, Spinach, Strawberries, Kale, or Baby Boc Choi. I would like to remind you that this week is a half order. And next week you can expect about twice as many items.
The vegetables seem to have doubled in size in the past few days. Everything seems happy and healthy. We are still planting more and caring for what we already have.
The greens (baby boc choi, beet greens & broccoli raab) may all be steamed or sauteed with lemon juice, garlic, tamari and olive oil. I encourage you to try new things. The baby beet greens can be used in place of spinach in any recipe. Broccoli Raab is a delicacy in most Italian dishes. I love greens fresh in brothy soups. Greens are very refreshing this time of year when the chill of winter is gone and we are busy outdoors. Greens clean the body and the blood, they provide a lot of strength and vigor for your cells.
If you have not ordered organic produce before you may be wondering what all the tiny holes in the brassica greens (arugula, mustard, baby boc choi) are from. These holes are created by a tiny bug called a flea beetle. They are beetles whom jump around, and are the size of a flea. They are equally as hard to catch. These bugs do very little harm to the plant and carry no disease. Because, we are dedicated to not using any sprays in which we would not eat ourselves, we do not spray for these bugs. It unfortunately takes away from the presentation of the crop but you can be rest assured that your vegetables are clean and free of chemicals. I think you will find the holes to be very easy to look past once you taste the freshness and flavor of the vegetable.
We strongly encourage feedback and suggestions as to what you might prefer in your weekly order. Please email these to us bhorganics@gmail.com . Until then we hope you enjoy your first box of farm freshness.
The following is my favorite homemade salad dressing. This dressing may also be used to season any dish of steamed greens. Enjoy.

Miso Mustard Dressing

Salads are my favorite thing to eat. The most important ingredient in a salad is fresh greens, the darker the better. There are many salad dressings to choose from in the world. This one is my favorite. Recipe makes enough for 2 dinner salads.

2 tablespoons of mellow miso

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon vinegar (balsamic or apple cider)

1 tablespoon mustard (avoid the bright yellow ones)

1 teaspoon fresh oregano, thyme or any other herb. ½ teaspoon if using dried herbs.

Mix all ingredients with a whisk or fork. It is important to make sure that the miso is mixed thoroughly. Serve this with sautéed mushrooms and green onions on top of the salad makes a better vegetarian alternative to “hot bacon dressing.”