Friday, June 6, 2008


With the spring comes greens by the truck loads. Pictured here (respectively) are Arugula, Curly or Winter Kale and Lacinato or Dinosaur Kale.
Things about the farm are steadily progressing. And things are growing tremendously with the warm weather. We are very excited about the response to our CSA. I have worked on several CSA's in the past and was not sure if it was what I wanted to do, in my own business. That is why I created the $20 box. It is an experiment. For years I heard people complain that a typical CSA provided too many vegetables and not enough choice. Then I worked at a CSA which offered a lot more choice than it could realistically provide. So here I am in the middle trying to blaze a new trail and see if there is a better way. I am thankful that you are all willing to take this step with me and try something unique.
This coming week will be a full share. In your box you may find: kale, lettuce, spinach, strawberries, chard, salad mix, arugula, beet greens, radishes, peas, turnips, baby boc choi, or garlic scapes. We encourage you to send your preferences. We cannot promise anything except that we will try to honor your requests. As of now I will not be adding herbs (other than garlic & basil) or flowers to your box unless you request. Many of you have already asked for these things. I love to grow herbs and flowers. We have a wonderful selection. Some of you are a single person household and some are a full family. For the sake of the whole family I will only be adding these items out of request or necessity. The herbs available this week are oregano, chives, garlic chives, sage, & cilantro. Email us at .
The recipes coming in are awesome. I can't wait to try them myself. Many thanks again for all of your support.


Arugula is I am my husband’s favorite green. It has an intense sharpness and bite which compliments any salad mixture. There are many preparations for this delicate green. In my opinion the delicacy is lost when it is cooked for too long. The best way to prepare arugula is to add a hot oil dressing to it. Arugula is great when used as a bed for a hot steaming dish such as fish. When it is used fresh and then has a hot item added to it, arugula melts and the aroma fills the plate.

B & H Organic Produce Perfect Summer Combination:

I realize it is a bit early for tomatoes but this gives you an idea of how to use this amazing green.

Fresh Arugula

Garden Peach tomatoes raw sliced thin

Debbie’s Cheese Board Parmesan (West Reading Farmer’s Market)

Layered in this order this is our favorite taste combination. We make a meal of this.